This week our team has been progressing on characters and props. We've been going through our pipeline, correcting scenes for animations and testing our pipeline so we can fix issues along the way.
I specifically was working on the alien. I fixed up details and re-topologized the crest of the alien.

When figuring out the alien clothes, we couldn't figure out how to shape it around the alien body properly. We came up with the plan of duplicating the body, deleting the hands, feet, and clavicle to the crest. We made the duplicate bigger and added depth to make it a skinsuit. Since the skin suit will cover the body, we decided to separate the hands, neck-head, from the body.
The foot needed better topology so I separated the foot from the body and re-topologized it as well.

I was planning on also texturing the alien, however we ran into an issue with exporting the mesh from zbrush. The crest was too high poly. When trying to export or zremesh it, it ended up crashing zbrush. We duplicated and lowered the subdivision level or the mesh and were able to zremesh and project the details. However, due to this technical issue the progress on the alien was pushed back a little from what was intended.
Next week we'll reassemble, texture, and redo the rig on the alien so we can start reanimating. Till next time.