This week, we've been building off of last week. Half of our team doing animation and half of our team making assets. Our animation team is planning on getting done with shots outside of the bathroom shots by the end of this week. The asset team has been working on getting the props done for the bathroom and used assets.
I personally have been working on bathroom assets such as the key switch, spiked flail, and frying pan.

For they key, I made a bigger and smaller version of the key and lock that is supposed to pop out of the control panel and our team like the bigger key and smaller lock.
I started on operation room assets also. The table was pretty straight forward to make. We decided on a simple side table.

But the chair had several renditions. I started with a dentist style chair and my team wanted to know what a more square chair looked like, but we decided on the more organic shape.

I split it up into more parts and experimented with the headrest. I decided to use the base from the previous rendition and added wrist straps.

We haven't finalized this design, but we have a good enough rendition to work off of or move on with. We're all progressing efficiently and quickly and hopefully we'll be able to get an updated version of our film by next week. Till next time!