This week our team progressed on layout and setup. We got out nuke and unreal engine set up in good shape for us to efficiently save and update our work non-destructively for our production, being able to update our animatic and scenes without interrupting other people working on it, and to make everything more intuitive and smooth. Our team is also still working on character topology and layout, but we're in a good place to start working on shot and camera set up. We experimented with teragen and speed tree for environments and were able to learn new skills with those programs and create things like grass to help with our world scene. The spaceship is being tested in transferring rig and animation to unreal engine.
As for me personally, I put a base rig on the alien with advanced skeleton that has controls, a cage, and is binded to the referenced skin. Since we have the cage we can update and redo painted weights more efficiently and now that we have controls we can start placement and posing.

Although the weights still need proper painting and there still needs additions for the face and eyes, it is in a good place. I had a lot of trouble with the wrist orientation and ultimately had to delete it and add a new one. I learned that using the index and the ring finger caused some problems, but using the middle finger helped fix the orientation. There were some tech issues with toggling from advanced skeleton to the joints after I imported and fixed up the hands and feet though. It created an inactive rig copy and I would have to delete and rebuild the rig multiple times. I did find that if I built the weights, built the cage, then deleted both it worked better then rebuilding and deleting over and over again for some strange reason. I digress, I have made a temporary functioning rig and I will sort the issues as they come or with the help of a professor.
For now, I'll be working on fixing up the face and eyes for rigging and researching cloth simulation for the alien's suit and lab coat.
Since many of our group members are starting to switch to shot layout or research into programs, I'll most likely continue in layout or research as well, after figuring out the face and where we want to go with the rig. Since it's in a good state, we've agreed to take a temporary pause on it, but I'll check with my group during our next meeting. Till next time!