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Short Film Progress Check Part 13


This week, our group made a lot of progress with the characters and white boxing. We got to a good place with the space ship and one part of the interior. We are planning to receive the rest of the art for the bathroom and abduction bay so we can progress with more white boxing. The character should be out of zbrush for the next production pass and the alien has been moved to maya for re-topologizing.

This week, I got the alien ready to be put into maya. My group and I decided what parts should be separate geometry and which parts should be part of the main body. One of the main parts that needed to be separated out was the jaw. I tried to mask and polygroup the jaw and then separate it from the body, but after a lot of cleaning, zremeshing, and dynameshing, my group decided that it would be best to get a cleaner split in maya so we didn't loose the flow or detail.

After a couple of touch ups, I moved the model into maya and started re-topologizing the model with quad draw for rigging. My goal is to cover one half with quad draw, edit the edge flow based on what the riggers need, and then mirror it over.

I do have more quad drawing to do, but my goal for the next production pass is to finish quad drawing and get it into a good place for the riggers.

We are also working on getting some important assets done while waiting for art. We're also working on finishing up texturing and putting a scene in unreal in order to test out our pipeline and rendering for our next production pass.





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