Between working on our short film, there was a break period in summer where work was more sporadic. My group and I worked on a few things during this time. My contributions over the summer were working on iterations for models on the gas pump and payphone for the earth atmosphere, that were later edited by another group member, and the Walkman for our character.

Since the assents for earth aren't seen for very long I tried to make the geometry unique and as simple as I could while still getting the point across on what it is. The Walkman is shown in a variety of shots, so I wanted to keep the detail, but hold off on adding too much before checking the model with the team.
After getting back from summer break, my team and I decided to focus more energy on the characters and getting the finished earth model through a pipeline to plan out our process. We also started receiving sketching from our artists so we can start blocking out the alien space ship in the next coming weeks.
My tasks since we came back was getting out alien model into a good shape to move forward with rigging. For the production pass I sculpted out the face and edited the body to present to the group.

I got some feedback about realism, details, and body proportions so I made certain edits.

With these edits and future edits I'm trying to fix the alien so that the body and mouth have a good flow for predicted movement and rigging. I also noticed that my first rendition is closer to the concept sketches, so with my second iteration I will making it look more like the storyboard, as well as make future movement easier. I also added feet to help with clothing plans and walking motions.
My goal for next production pass is to sculpt it into a good place so we can move forward with rigging the character. My group is pushing plans for both the main character and possibly side character to be in a similar place by next pass for animation and camera blocking. We also plan on fixing minor edits to the storyboard and setting it aside so we can move forward with what we have and take reference for animation and camera motions.
Over the summer and the start of the summer, there were some miscommunications that caused some problems, but we were able to work them out and talk them through by clarification and clearly separating assets as a team. We also had a delay with art that pushed us back when it came to blocking out the ship, but we kept our communication with out artists open and also came up with alternative options and solutions to help if need be.
Our team, other than the listed problems above, have been running smoothly and it seems our goals for next production pass seem plausible and within reach.