This week our team focused on figuring out a cohesive design style for our aliens ship interior and brainstorming on our alien in personality and look.
When it came to the design style, we came together and designed a possible look for the hallway. Each of us came up with a sketch to test out different ideas. My idea was focused more on curves and lighting.

I liked the look of an indented hallways and lights on the circular pillars, that's what I contributed. When we all talked, we realized our visions were really different so we tried to conglomerate our ideas. Two of our team members put the ideas in maya and modeled a blocking version of the hallway.
In the end, we decided on a more asymmetrical style with the major shapes and surfaces being more curved and organic, while the details are more angular and branching. We decided to add wired detailing in both pattern, lights, and on the objects. The floor will be grated and underneath will be wired lighting, while having a faint glow from the floor. We kept the white, sheen of the original texture idea (with scratch and messy details because of the aliens).
On the topic of the alien, we decided the aliens on our ship will be stoic, lazy, messy, and overall simply fulfilling the quota to the bare minimum. They're lower ranked aliens that just want to complete their task. They've got a bumbly, aloof attitude that plays into the mess on the ship.
As we were figuring this out, I added some skin and muscle detail to the alien, trying to change the shape and make it look less of a bird. I tried changing the curves and bringing the hips in, similar to a rat or kangaroo.

After showing my group and professors, we came to the conclusion that the wider hips with the light bulb shape was preferable for the front and to keep the bean shape and big tummy of the side, experimenting with the size and proportions. I was advised to move the legs and neck/head back so they're closer and over the body. I was advised to curve the side profile more and change the fit look of the shoulders and chest. Once I figure the body proportions out, I'll figure out the skin and muscles of the neck as well as sorting out the face.
Moving forward with details and visions is really helpful with a more cohesive and unifying look. Our big critique from our production pass was that our short looked like it was going through an "Identity Crisis", but now that we've gone through it more in depth, the identity of our short is really coming together and I'm excited to really expand on all of our planned our details.